I really felt that the teachers were not only interested in my growth professionally, but spiritually. Baylor's a great program and they're known throughout the country, throughout the world, and I really wanted to be a part of that.
The fact that it's only a year long and that the only piece where I need to be in person besides immersions is literally in my clinical time. My husband and I felt like that would be the best fit for our family and we would be able to have the most flexible schedule with three active kids in sports, and just balancing [family life].
I've made so many friends, [and] we've bonded together and we're each other's support system. Everybody is so kind, so encouraging, and really wants the other person to succeed as well, so we can all get through this together.
I chose Baylor because their core values and beliefs lined up to mine. Being a Baylor nurse is such a big sense of pride because of Baylor's rigorous program.
The professors were amazing, and I knew immediately during our welcome week for this program that the professors really cared about us, that they were going to support us every step of the way.
Baylor nurses are very caring, careful and detail-oriented. Learn, Lead and Serve; that's definitely what Baylor University is all about.
I can't imagine another program with more genuine instructors that are very supportive and willing to help and genuinely want us to succeed no matter what our background or previous education.
The faculty and staff here, they all care & want you to do well, and they are truly invested in making sure that your experience is one that will result in you being a Baylor nurse.
Baylor establishes their contracts with institutions to provide us with one preceptor per student and sets requirements for the preceptors. I believe this will have a significant impact on the experience that we receive in the clinical learning environment.
I wanted to be a nurse to help people and serve people. My family's been doing mission work in the Amazon jungles of Peru with tribes there for about 10 years. That really sparked my desire to bring health care to people with health disparities.
I wanted to become a nurse after volunteering at Baylor Scott & White in College Station. I just saw how hard the nurses were working to serve others, and I knew that I wanted to help others live happier healthier lives.
I decided to enroll in Baylor's ABSN program because I'm a mother of three, and the one year program was the most appealing thing to me. I have it in my mind, one and done. That short one year period of time is what drew me to it.