Dianna Fridye shares her experience as a Baylor online Distance ABSN student. View her testimonial below.
Read full testimonial transcript below.
What inspired you to become a nurse? Do you have a personal story to share?
The hands-on aspect of care is really appealing to me. Being able to have an impact in someone's life in a time of need or just giving them routine care, [is] inspiring.
Why did you decide now was the right time for a career change and to pursue an ABSN?
The program at Baylor is just one year. You can do anything for just a year. So that aspect of the program was very appealing to me.
Why did you decide to enroll in Baylor's ABSN program?
The fact that it's only a year long and that the only piece where I need to be in person besides immersions is literally in my clinical time. My husband and I felt like that would be the best fit for our family and we would be able to have the most flexible schedule with three active kids in sports, and just balancing [family life].
What does it mean to you to be a Baylor nurse?
As Baylor nurses, we want to be safe and professional and have integrity in the way that we practice. And I can tell that with the example that the faculty has put forth, they're really trying to build those things in us. And then alongside that, pairing critical thinking as part of everything that we do. So, thinking through the ‘why’ behind what we're doing so that we're not just able to perform the skills and able to do those well, but we're able to have an impact on our patient's care.
What advice do you have for potential students who are considering enrolling in Baylor's Online ABSN program?
I would say do your research. For those that are looking at enrolling in Baylor's ASBN program, it is very highly rated, and you can tell because its pass rate on the NCLEX. And at the end of the day, if we come out of nursing school and we had a really great experience, but we don't pass the NCLEX, we're in trouble. For me, the NCLEX pass rate was pretty convincing alongside with the 12-month program.
Why should others consider nursing as a second career?
Nursing is a profession that is needed. We need good nurses post covid to replace all the nurses that had burnout. There are so many different directions to go with nursing, I'm confident that I will be able to find my niche and… find a job when I graduate.
Tell us about your vision. What kind of impact do you hope to have as a nurse?
When I think about becoming a nurse once I graduate, I hope to be able to have an impact on every patient that I see. I know that is kind of a dreamer's vision, but I think you are able to [impact] people. Maybe they're in a really vulnerable state, maybe they're in the worst place they've ever been in their lives health-wise. So, to be able to come in and care for someone in a personal way… is tremendous. And I hope to be able to have a positive impact on my patients even if I only see them briefly.