DNPs as Nursing Innovators

Updated December 23, 2024
From the beginning of nursing in Florence Nightingale’s days, it has been an uphill journey to legitimacy. Nursing earned its spot at the big table by systematically standardizing care and advocating for the profession. The struggle was real and hard-won but is far from over. Healthcare is evolving and expanding, and the need for qualified nurse leadership has grown along with the healthcare’s explosion.
In today’s modern healthcare, clinical skills alone are not enough to deliver the highest quality and value to patients. Historically, terminal degrees in nursing focused on research and, until recently, only a small number of nurses pursued graduate education. Today, however, it is widely acknowledged that terminal nursing degrees, such as a DNP, are designed to not only educate nurses as clinicians, but as scholars and leaders as well.
According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), DNP student enrollment has risen from 6,599 in 2010 to 40,384 in 2021—a remarkable 512% increase.
This may be attributed to the fact that it is simpler than ever to find excellent online learning opportunities such as the online DNP program offered at Baylor University.
Why a Doctorate of Nursing?
Nurses are uniquely qualified to lead the charge in the future. Graduates of the online DNP at Baylor University are prepared as exemplary, visionary nursing leaders with the skills and abilities to shape the future of nursing.
Standards of nursing practice are not static but are continually changing. The increasing complexity of patients combined with concerns about the quality of care compound the longstanding issue of the nursing shortage. The need for qualified nurse leaders who can design care, teach, and lead nurses is overwhelming.
In 2004 the AACN Position Statement on the Practice Doctorate in Nursing recommended doctoral level nursing as the goal for aspiring leaders. More than 20 years later, their foresight remains relative and worthy as the terminal nursing degree.
Learn more about Baylor's Online DNP programs
Innovators and Trailblazers
DNPs are innovators and trailblazers who have undertaken a substantial personal and financial investment to improve their practice as well as the overall profession of nursing. The DNP curriculum surpasses all other masters-level nursing programs regarding content, earning potential, career opportunities and professional achievement.
DNP graduates are poised to set exemplary standards for independent practice in a variety of specialty areas. DNP programs proactively prepare nurses for leadership opportunities in an evolving healthcare climate. The DNP candidate is qualified to take control and lead nursing into the future.
Innovation and Dedication Empowers the Future of Nursing
DNP is the terminal degree in nursing leadership. DNP candidates seek the knowledge and skills to lead productive change in systems, organizations, and clinical practice environments. These kinds of leaders stay out on the leading edge of thought, carefully crafting a synergistic blending of creative innovation and evidence-based science. Nursing has long been named the “most trusted profession” by Gallup.
It is the combination of caring and dedication to the knowledge that garners trust, and advanced education is essential to improved patient outcomes. DNP programs prepare clinically competent leaders who instinctively understand the needs of practicing nurses and are invested in finding positive solutions to the nursing shortage.
Learn more about Baylor's Online DNP programs
DNP as the Preferred Future for Nursing Leadership
DNPs efficiently work to achieve, articulate and demonstrate nursing value by advancing their education to exemplary leadership and encouraging other nurses to practice to the full extent of their education and licensure.