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Nurse Practitioner certificate Baylor University, Waco, Texas
Ph.D, nursing Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas
MSN in maternal- child nursing, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas
BSN Baylor University, Waco, Texas

Work and Education:
Professor Althaus has worked in the field of medical genetics for most of her career, providing genetic evaluation and counseling for pediatric, adult, prenatal and oncology patients and their families. She is also a certified genetic counselor, one of only a handful of nurses in the US who are also genetic counselors. She started the first community based genetic oncology program in Texas when laboratory testing was developed for predisposition cancer genes. She has taught in continuing education programs throughout her career, taught at the undergraduate nursing program at UTA for 6 years and developed a master’s in genetic counseling program at the University of North Texas. She has taught part time at Baylor for 8 years before transitioning to full time in the graduate program 2 years ago.

Dr. Althaus was one of the founding members of the International Society of Nurses in Genetics and helped to write the ANA Standards of Genetic Nursing. She served as the President of the organization for one term. She contributes to the Graduate Nursing and the Policy Committees at the LHSON.

Articles and Presentations:
Outside the classroom, Professor Althaus has presented at multiple National Society of Genetic Counseling educational meetings, many state level meetings of the Genetics community and many hospital continuing education seminars. She has been a speaker about both genetic and medical ethics. 

Dr. Althaus is lifelong member of the Methodist Church, helping to organize and develop women’s retreats and participating in Christian living groups. 

Other: Dr. Althaus has one daughter who lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her wonderful (nurse) husband and 3 children. Since becoming a grandmother, Dr. Althaus has spent at least one week a month in Minneapolis to devote to her grandchildren. Other hobbies include riding mountain bicycles, traveling and reading. 

Rebecca Althaus, Clinical Assistant Professor

Contact Info:
Phone: 214.718.7518

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