PhD University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas
MS Texas Woman's University, Denton, Texas
BS Texas Woman's University, Denton, Texas
Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Teaching and Engagement:
Dr. Spies is an assistant professor at the Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing. Specializing in global health and building capacity in health care providers, she has taught global health and international clinical courses on the graduate level since 2004. Her lectures are informed by current clinical practice as family nurse practitioner and by her active involvement in global capacity building endeavors.
Dr. Spies coordinates global endeavors for the Louise Herrington Nursing School and facilitates student and faculty engagement in initiatives in Ethiopia, Hong Kong, India, Peru, Uganda, Vietnam and Zambia. She is committed to cultivating opportunities for all interested students and faculty so that they may participate in global outreach study abroad, mission, or research and scholarly experiences.
Dr. Spies serves on the practice committee for the International Council of Nurses Advanced Practice Nursing Network and is on the Nurses Advisory Council of Nurses International. She is past president of the North Texas Nurse Practitioners. Dr. Spies is co-founder of the North Texas African Health Initiative and has worked actively in Uganda to build nurse leadership and research capacity since 2007. She has led faculty and nurse development workshops in Ethiopia, India, Uganda, Vietnam and Zambia.
Selected Publications
Spies, L.A. & Mulenga, J. (2020). Provider Perceptions about Hypertension: A Mixed Methods Study in Zambia. Clinical Nursing Research. Advance online publication. doi/10.1177/1054773820904634
Spies, L.A., Nanyonga, R.C., & Nakaggwa, F. (2019). Nurse-Led Interventions in the Interim: Waiting on Universal Health Coverage. International Nursing Review. 66(4), 549-552 DOI:10.1111/inr.12558
Spies, L.A., Gray, J., Bader, S., & Opollo, J. (2018). Nurse-led Interventions for Hypertension: A Scoping Review with implications for Evidenced-Based Practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. 15, 247-256. DOI- 10.1111/wvn.12297
Spies, L.A., Gray, J., Opollo, J. G., Mbalinda, S., Nabirye, R., & Asher, C. A. (2018). Transformational leadership as a framework for nurse education about hypertension in Uganda. Nurse Education Today, 64, 172-174. 10.1016/j.nedt.2018.02.009
Spies, L.A., Garner, S.L., Faucher, M.A., Hastings-Tolsma, M., Riley, C., Millenbruch, J., Prater, L. & Conroy, S. F. (2017). A Model for Upscaling Global Partnerships and Building Nurse and Midwifery Capacity. International Nursing Review. 64(3), 331-34410.1111/inr.12349
Spies, L.A. (2016). An Exploratory Descriptive Study on Task Shifting in East Africa. Advances in Nursing Science. 39(2): E44-E53. 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000112
Spies, L.A. (2016). Developing Global Nurse Influencers. Journal of Christian Nursing, 33(2), E20-E22.
Spies, L.A., Gray, J., Opollo, J. & Mbalinda, S. (2016). HIV and Nurses: A Focus Group on Task Shifting in Uganda. Journal of the Association of Nurses in Aids Care, 27(3), 312-321.
Spies, L.A., Gray, J., Opollo, J., & Mbalinda, S. (2015). Uganda Nursing Research Agenda: A Delphi Study. International Nursing Review. 62(2), 180-186.
Spies, L.A., Garner, S., Prater, L. & Riley, C. (2015). Building global nurse capacity through relationships, education, and collaboration. Nurse Education Today, 35(5), 653-656. DOI: http://dx.doi.o*-rg/10.1016/j.nedt.2015.01.014
Book Chapters
Spies, L.A. (2016 & 2019). Engaging Students in Global Health Endeavors. In Bradshaw, M. & Hultquist, B. (Eds.). Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professions (pp. 395-408). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett
Gray, J., Opollo, J., & Spies, L. (2010). Uganda. In J. J. Fitzpatrick, C. M. Shultz, & T. D. Aiken (Eds.), Giving through teaching: How nurse educators are changing the world (pp. 140-144). New York. Springer Publishing.
Spies, L.A. (2010). Contribution to chapter on Tuberculosis in King, T.L. and Brucker, M.C. (Eds.) Pharmacology Principles and Practice for Women’s Health. Boston: Jones and Bartlett.

Contact Info:
Office: 3700 Worth Street, Suite 302, Dallas, Texas 75246
Phone: 214.820.4166
Fax: 214.818.8692